4 Questions to Ask When You're Overwhelmed And To Reclaiming Your Time

4 Questions to Ask When You're Overwhelmed And To Reclaiming Your Time

"Help! We're too busy and something needs to change..."
Sound familiar? We get it. Being 'too busy' isn't sustainable and doesn't serve you or your clients. It may even be getting in the way of growing your business. But here's the good news - it's fixable! Grab your to-do list, and let's walk through four game-changing questions.

Question 1: Does this really need to be done? (If yes, now or later?)

We often clutter our to-do lists with:
  • Ideas that aren't actual tasks (Create a separate idea list!)
  • Tasks that don't need immediate attention
Pro tip: As OBMs, we always start by creating a strategic plan for our clients. This helps clarify realistic timelines and prevents that overwhelming "everything needs to be done now" feeling.
After this step, you should have a list of genuinely urgent tasks and a separate list of future projects or ideas.

Question 2: Do we need to be the ones to do this?

Many business owners default to doing everything themselves. But ask yourself - could someone else handle this task? Watch out for these common pitfalls:
  • "We're the only ones here, so we have to do it all." Remember, you have the power to change that. Growth often requires hiring help.
  • "No one can do it as well as us." This mindset can be your biggest barrier to growth. With proper training or hiring, you can find capable hands to take over tasks.
As OBMs, we work with our clients to document processes, making delegation smoother and more confident.

Question 3: How can we create more space?

Now that you have a realistic short-term task list, ensure you have time to tackle it. Try these strategies:
  • Plan ahead: Schedule specific tasks or block out time for types of work (e.g., writing time, client time).
  • Set boundaries: Minimize distractions. Close your door, shut your inbox, turn off notifications. Get comfortable saying "no" when necessary.

Question 4: Do we need to renegotiate any deadlines?

If you're truly swamped, it's time to revise deadlines. It might feel uncomfortable, but it's better to communicate proactively than to disappoint later. A simple, honest approach works best:
"Hey, we got in over our heads here, and that's on us. We won't be able to deliver X until next Monday. We wanted to let you know in advance."
People often respect this transparency and are more understanding when informed early.
The beauty of these questions? You can use them repeatedly. Work through this process whenever you feel overwhelmed, and over time, "too busy" will become a thing of the past.
Are you ready to get off the hamster wheel of constant busyness? Let's talk. As expert OBMs, this is our specialty. We'd be happy to hop on a call and identify five things that could come off your plate immediately.
Don't let overwhelm hold your business back. Partnering with us can help you reclaim your time and focus on strategic growth. Ready to take control of your schedule? Let's connect and chart your path to a more balanced, productive future!
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